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Maintain Your Workspace with Professional Cleaning Solutions

Professional Flooring Treatment Services

Give your floors specialist attention with our excellent flooring treatments.

Commercial floors and stair flooring come in many various types including carpet, non-slip, vinyl, wooden, and polished.

For continued safety and suitability, they will require specialist attention to keep them maintained.

We offer numerous treatments to keep your commercial flooring safe for use including tackling tired vinyl tiles and worn non-slip flooring. 

anti-static carpet spraying

We can treat your carpet to prevent static build-up with our professional treatments.

Electric shocks can be annoying and sometimes even painful.

They are a concern in the workplace especially if your work environment contains electronics or flammables. We can solve the problem by professionally applying a treatment to the carpet that creates a “skin” on the surface which prevents static build-up.

pest control carpet spraying

We help to get rid of pesky problems with effective carpet cleaning. 

If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having pests in your workplace, perhaps moths or beetles, we can treat the problem carpet with a deep-clean solution that will penetrate through the layers of carpet and get rid of your pesky problem in no time.

anti-static carpet spraying

We can treat your carpet to prevent static build-up with our professional treatments.

Electric shocks can be annoying and sometimes even painful.

They are a concern in the workplace especially if your work environment contains electronics or flammables. We can solve the problem by professionally applying a treatment to the carpet that creates a “skin” on the surface which prevents static build-up.

pest control carpet spraying

We help to get rid of pesky problems with effective carpet cleaning. 

If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having pests in your workplace, perhaps moths or beetles, we can treat the problem carpet with a deep-clean solution that will penetrate through the layers of carpet and get rid of your pesky problem in no time.

deep-clean porous flooring

We clean your non-slip flooring of embedded, ground-in dirt.

Many non-slip flooring types are porous, making them great for safety and grip. However, their appearance suffers over time because dirt becomes ground-in. Regular surface cleaning will not improve the look. Only specialist equipment

can bring the embedded dirt to the surface so it can be cleaned away. 

carpet cleaning

We shampoo your carpets for a deep, effective clean.

The heavy footfall and inevitable spills on workplace carpets really take their toll. In no time, carpets are unclean, and a simple vacuum won’t do. A full shampoo from our professional team can restore your carpets to their former glory.

other treatments for clean, safe workplaces

Our professional team can clean every inch of your workplace – even the carpark!

Getting your work environment spick and span has never been easier with our services.

Our team not only provide cleaning services inside, but outside too!

grounds maintenance

We maintain the grounds of your premises to ensure you have a tidy, presentable site. 

Our green-fingered team is more than happy to tend to shrubs and greenery on your grounds! As part of our maintenance service, we’ll also keep your grounds and carpark tidy to give your visitors a great first impressions. We’ll even grit walkways and clear snow in winter to prevent any slippy surfaces. 

janitorial supplies

We ensure you are well stocked with all the workplace cleaning essentials. 

We have access to the best professional cleaning products on the market which we can supply direct to you for use in between our visits. We can ensure you are well stocked with all the workplace essentials such as hand soap, anti-bacterial gel, toilet roll, hand towels etc.

grounds maintenance

We maintain the grounds of your premises to ensure you have a tidy, presentable site. 

Our green-fingered team is more than happy to tend to shrubs and greenery on your grounds! As part of our maintenance service, we’ll also keep your grounds and carpark tidy to give your visitors a great first impressions. We’ll even grit walkways and clear snow in winter to prevent any slippy surfaces. 

janitorial supplies

We ensure you are well stocked with all the workplace cleaning essentials. 

We have access to the best professional cleaning products on the market which we can supply direct to you for use in between our visits. We can ensure you are well stocked with all the workplace essentials such as hand soap, anti-bacterial gel, toilet roll, hand towels etc.

Get in touch today about your cleaning requirements and we’ll be happy to talk you through our services and provide a quote.

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